Thursday, June 21, 2007

Talk about "information overload"!

I met with the nurse today for what they call "chemo talk" where they explain everything that may happen to me in great detail. The nurse was wonderful and listened to me ramble on about various things. She even confessed that this talk was difficult for her because she was the same age as me. All of the staff at the Cancer Center have made this unpleasant circumstance more comfortable for me.

I had a difficult time today. I went by myself (which I now know is not the wisest thing for me to do). By the time everything was done ( I agreed to be part of a clinical study also which required more time), I was exhausted. I wanted to just stop in Happy Harrys' for some meds and 4 things before I came home to rest. 4 things with no children should not be difficult to remember, right? I had to stop several times in the store to recall what those 4 things were. My brain was just on overload and my body was pooped. It was just a hard day. And the real fun hasn't even begun.


Twizzler, Jack, Fwankwin, and Gracie said...

Hang in there, Aunt Barbara!

Jim Wilson said...

Take it easy on yourself - you're dealing with an abundance of overwhelming information. I know many people find it helpful to keep a small notebook in their purse or pocket just to write one's self notes.

There's lots of serious doctor info coming your way and lots of day-to-day stuff too - it never hurts to use a tool (pen & paper in this case) to make things a little easier on yourself. :-)

Hang in there kid...

Love Jim

Anonymous said...

When we are faced with difficult trials, the strength of our faith is tested. It is a joy to see you relying on God through this process. I know you will have your battles in this area, but it is clear by the strength you and Dave have shown so far that you are walking with the Lord as his children. Try to keep laughing at yourself like you are doing today. They say that it is good medicine:)

OH, and please don't go to meetings alone again. I believe any of us would be there with you in a heartbeat.

I will be praying for you continually! Love you

Dee said...

Hi Barbara!
I agree that this is a great idea for those of us who want to pray specifically and don't want to ring your phone off the hook. Your blog is the newest addition to "My Favorites."

I am praising God with you that His grace is sufficient and praying continually that you will feel His grace uplifting you and your family.

I also agree with Laura...please, please, please don't do anything alone that you don't want or have to! Call any of us and we will be there like she said "in a heartbeat!"

You have my numbers if any needs come up - don't hesitate to call.

Praying peace for you,
Dee Noll

Anonymous said...


I heard your sad news from David Lynch.

I am not sure what to say other than that I am really sorry to hear this news.

You, Dave, David, and Dawson will be in my prayers and thoughts.

Next time I am in town (in late July or so) and if you are up to it, I will bring over pizza to save you and Dave from fixing another meal. It will be like ol' times! ;-)

As others have said on this web page, you are in good spirits all things considered. Seems to me that keeping good spirits is a lot of beating this disease, as well as especially God's help!!!

Many people will give you Bible verses. When feeling powerless or bewildered, Romans 8:26 and Isaiah 40 are good ones.

As for Dave, David, and Dawson... Just love Barbara a lot. She will need you, and you will need her.


--Dave Ulbrich