Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Unexpected surgery

I didn't think I was going to have updates about surgery and cancer related stuff. Well, I was wrong.

The boys and I have been traveling since June 5, visiting family. We went to NC first to visit my sister-in-law Robin and travel to Boone, NC to ride on Thomas the train. The day we were supposed to leave for Thomas, Dawson came down with a high fever. Dawson has never traveled well, so we assumed it was just that. Well, as the day went on, it looked like more was wrong. We ended up going to 3 different urgent care facilities before he would be seen. He had an upper respiratory problem and possible strep throat. So, he started on an antibiotic and we went to Thomas. Within a few days, he was himself again.

We came home briefly for 2 days so David could play his last tee-ball game and then left for Arkansas to visit my parents. We went to a church camp with my parents near a lake and the first day we were there, we had a great time. The second day of the camp, Dawson was sitting in the lake, rearranging the rocks, when some boys shouted, "Snake." Dad and I kept looking for it when we both spotted it at the same time - headed straight for Dawson. I yanked him out of the water as Pa took care of the snake. We joked that we could reattach Dawson's arm later. He didn't know what was happening and blamed these boys for moving the canoe. He had no idea there was a snake. When the boys moved the canoe, the snake came out from hiding. So, Dawson went back into the water. I was a little shaky after that but didn't want to discourage him from going back in. We didn't see any more after that. Whew!

Now, to the latest. On Monday, the boys and I went to a playground up the road from my parents' house. We were having a great time and Pa came to pick us up on the golf cart around 6 for dinner. We came home and had dinner. While we have been here, my mom and I have been walking on a nearby track every night while my dad watches the boys. I decided to change into cooler clothes. When I changed, I noticed a lot of blood. I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. I then saw that the skin on the left breast was split completely open and the hole was about 2 inches wide. This was a problem. I couldn't feel anything. So, mom and I had to put our walking on hold. If I hadn't changed my clothes, who knows how much worse this would have become. My dad took me to the ER and they took me right in. The problem is I can't just see a general surgeon, I need a cosmetic surgeon because of the implants. I don't want just anybody sticking needles around those! I spoke with my cosmetic surgeon from home and she told me what I needed. The ER didn't have a plastic surgeon on call so they consulted with another surgeon about 1 hour away from the hospital who also instructed the ER doctor. After a shot of antibiotic and a temporary dressing, the ER doctor got a quick response from the surgeon who said he would be in an outpatient surgery center the next day doing procedures and would squeeze me in. Yesterday, my dad and I traveled to Little Rock, saw the surgeon shortly after arriving and gave me my options. The problem was the possibility of an infection. To just sew it up would mean greater risk for infection. So, we decided to open it up, clean out everything and hopefully put back the implant. The skin is so weak because of the radiation, he wasn't sure if he would be able to close it up again after placing the implant back in. So, there was the possibility of losing the implant and having to come home and make more decisions about different cosmetic solutions. He also spoke with my plastic surgeon and they agreed on what to do. His words to us were that he didn't want me to come home with an infection and my doctor wondering what this small town hick doctor did to me. Dad and I got a good laugh. Well, when I woke up, the first thing I checked was that the implant was there and it was! I also have a drain to reduce any swelling and not put more pressure on that skin. This apparently is a common problem with radiated skin. The skin can appear closed and healthy and then just rip. This may become a problem for me and then we will have to go a different way.

Today, I am in some pain and very dizzy from the medication. We go home on Saturday. Oh, I forgot - Dave's plane got in about an hour before I came out of surgery so I was able to see him in the recovery room. I have never been so happy to see him! We are hoping for a few boring days before we go home.


Anonymous said...

Holy cow Barb!!! What an adventure. I am glad that they were able to put the implant in and that you are on the road to recovery. You guys never have a dull moment. We will be glad to see you when you get home. Missed you!!!


Anonymous said...

Please come home safely and have a dull, boring rest of the summer. Another drain... what fun!! :)


Robyn said...

Oh, Barb! Here we were hoping you would have a nice, restful vacation. I'm so sorry to hear about all this. We will continue to pray that your skin and surgical sites will continue to heal. We miss you!

Amber said...

wow Barb
We will be praying for your recovery. Sounds like the Lord really carried you through all of that.
Safe travels home.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Barbara. Unbelievable. Will be happy to help monitor your arm motion and health as you heal and recover from this challenge. You've been so good with its motion and health so far, I doubt you'll have much trouble. May the Lord continue to grant you strength and great endurance. You are a testimony and an encouragement!

Christie N. said...

You have been in my prayers this week! I was so surprised when Dee mentioned it Tuesday morning -- A lot happened once you and I got off the phone. Do you know what might have even caused it at the playground or think it was from some normal activity? I'm praying for your full recovery and that this won't happen again!
Love & Prayers,

Anonymous said...

Dear Barbara,
So sorry to hear about what is going on, I am so amazed and encouraged by your strong testimony for the Lord. Will be continually praying for you and your family. "The Lord bless thee and keep thee." Numbers 6:24
Love in Christ,
Sherry Herron