Monday, July 12, 2010

It just gets better . . .

I saw my oncologist on Thursday and based on my symptems, we have scheduled another CT scan of my chest. He has also scheduled me to begin chemo again on Thursday, 7/22. The cancer in my lungs is making it difficult to breathe again and I have a lot of fluid buildup also. Today, I am scheduled for a minor procedure at Limestone Medical Center and pray that it goes well.

I also found out over the weekend that a fellowcancer survivor passed away. She was only 33 with 2 small children. Her last few blog entries showed circumstances very similar to mine. It sure put my argument with Dave about cake in perspective.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Barb -

We missed seeing you this weekend, but hope you got to rest a little bit. Hope that your procedure today went well. Continuing to lift you up in prayer.
