Wednesday, May 28, 2008

It. Is. Finished!

As Dave and I walked into the Cancer Center this morning, we were greeted by a large inflated colon - yes, colon! We were invited to walk through the colon to see what the signs of colon cancer look like inside the colon. I still couldn't believe we were walking through a colon!

I enjoy reality TV shows and contests. I see the winner having their fireworks/confetti falling from the sky moment. Or the announcer saying, "You have just been chosen as the next . . . ", etc. Well, I had my moment today. No confetti fell from the sky. No announcer - simply the beep of an IV machine signaling my last dose of Herceptin. My cancer treatment is over. I cried and cried. I had Dave and the nurses crying. It is done. "Barbara, now that you are finished your cancer treatment, what are you going to do?" (Disney world may happen later this year, not sure) I am going to . . . go on with my life. A life that has been changed by this experience.


Amber said...

praise the Lord

Anonymous said...

I already sent you an e-mail about this, but I will say it again - Have an amazing summer with your family!!! You have been an inspiration to us all!


Kristin said...

You just made me tear up! Congrats!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you just made me cry!!! I can't belive all you have been through in this past year. You have touched so many lives with your strength, courage and testimony. I was just speaking of you today! God has been amazing in supplying you with His grace and power through all of this. We look forward to this year's memories!!
Love you,
L J & Chris

Anonymous said...

That is a wonderful thing.

Thinking of you,


Anonymous said...

You have been an encouragement to us with you & your family's testimony and seeing how our Lord has supplied your every need during this trying time. Thank you for sharing with us.
"The Lord bless thee and keep thee."
Numbers 6:24
Love in Christ,
Bill & Sherry Herron

Robyn said...

So glad to hear that you are finished!! Thanks for sharing your story online with us, so that we could keep up with all that has been happening. You have been a great testimony to others through this entire journey. We will continue to pray for you guys with all of this. Missed seeing you and the boys on Sunday! Hope you're having a fun summer,so far.