Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Who am I?

Had a little excitement in the house this morning - apparently, the steroid I am on can raise my blood sugar levels quickly and unexpectedly. Even though I have been on it since 3/13, I hadn't noticed this problem. I had been eating sweets when I wanted and feeling okay. Well, the other night, had some dessert and was later talking to Dave. He was telling me that I sounded out of breath and something wasn't right. It passed. Today, I ate a cinnamon roll with the boys for breakfast and I started sweating, feeling light-headed and just not right. Called the doctor's office, the nurse said start drinking the fluids now. After chugging 2 bottles of water, I started feeling okay again. I had to go to Christiana today for Herceptin anyway so they checked my blood sugar when I was there. The blood sugar level was within normal limits by that time. So, I can't drink caffeine (makes my heart jump out of my chest), can't drink alcohol (made me feel extremely weird) and now no sugar. I cant have any fun!!!

I am also having trouble with coordination issues these days. Sometimes my legs don't want to go in the direction I want them to. I almost knocked Dawson over outside the other day when we were walking!! He goes, "Whoa, Mommy!" I joked with my mom that I am not drinking but I probably look like it when I am stumbling around. Just trying to tie my headband in my wig became challenging. I am having trouble with short-term memory right now too. I can balance my checkbook but I have no idea what happened to the piece of paper that was just in my hand!!

It is very frustrating to not be myself. I pray that this all comes back. I went to my cancer support group last night and one of the folks didn't recognize me. She said, "Is that Barbara?" I thought - I don't recognize me either.


Anonymous said...

Even though you may not feel like it, you are the same Barbara that so many love and care for. From experience, I don't recommend sugar-free Easter candy. The first Easter after my mom became diabetic, I bought some for her, thinking I was being thoughtful of her new circumstances. It made everyone's stomachs very rumbly. Praying that these things all pass quickly and that you can get back to feeling yourself again very soon.

Kristin said...

Barb, you have such a great spirit and sense of humor. I'm sure that these side effects are terribly frustrating! You are in my thoughts and I hope these effects are short-lived.

Anonymous said...

Barbara you are just amazing to me,
Christ centered in all you say
attitude is always up beat
never ending hope because of Christ
courage that shows in all you do
endurance to go thru treatments radiant beauty that is inside and shines thru You are so beautiful to me also such an encouragment Praying for a speedy recovery and complete healing Ruby