Sunday, February 7, 2010

This is a harder pill to swallow

I(and I swallow a lot!) Dave and I have talked about the different "stages" within the stages of cancer. The new one for us this week is that my breathing should be stabilized with the drains and if this new chemo works. I won't have much energy but should be comfortable. Once the chemo keeps working, maybe the energy will get better (until the side effects from the chemo and steriods set in). It is all confusing right? In English, my cancer is extremely aggressive and this chemo is not working anymore. We still have more options . . . for now. But, in the last 2 months, my health and energy have significantly declined with a few pick-me-ups here and there. There are no guarantees this chemo will work but I pray it won't be long before we find one that works as well as the last.

I just miss my family so much. I have been here since Monday and between weather and work stuff for Dave and scheduled procedures for me, I haven't seen them I really miss them. I hope to get out early this week.


Robyn said...

O Barb! I am so sorry! I was hoping that you would hear some better news. We will continue to pray that the drs can find something else that will really work for you. I know you must just want to be home with your sweet family. Love you!

Rachel Thompson said...

We are praying for you guys.
Thanks for keeping us updated. We hope you get home soon so you can be with your boys!


Anonymous said...

I'm praying that you are home soon, and enjoying your family. I'm sure they miss you as much as you miss them love Ruby