Wednesday, November 19, 2008

6 or 16?

David got back his school picture and Dave and I both did a double take. We could easily flash forward and see the teenage boy. We are having a hard enough time keeping track of library books. I can't imagine a teenage boy! I know we have a lot of time, but it just seems like yesterday and David was this . . .

This is one of my favorite baby pictures of David - not only because of the strategic placement of his arm but also because of his reflection in the mirror. (Every mom is supposed to have a bare butt baby picture of their kids, right?)


Anonymous said...

Hi guys!

What a handsome devil! Absolutely must keep these pics of the kids - they make great prom date conversation in 10 years or so (or just plain old blackmail.) Tee hee.

Hope you all are well.

Michelle Klaproth

Kristin said...

Goodness! He certainly does look grown up. And I have many bare bottom photos (some are even still on display), so you are absolutely right! Time sure does fly...

Anonymous said...

It does seem like yesterday! What a handsome young man. The Lamancusas

Anonymous said...

Awww.. so handsome. I love baby bottoms! It is hard to believe that they are 6 already. It is kind of sad!


Anonymous said...

such a cute baby and handsome little boy! they sure do group up fast!
Kendra Wiley

Anonymous said...

I thought that I didn't like arranged marriages....but I think that Keira should be first in line!Judy Mulhern

Robyn said...

Oh my goodness! What sweet photos of David. I can't believe how fast the time is flying by and that your boys and our kiddos are getting so big. I miss seeing you-wish we could chat more. Maybe we can try to get together sometime before I leave. Hugs!