Tuesday, December 22, 2009

I woke up feeling like a trainwreck and did my best to not look like it but there isn't any fooling those folks at the cancer center. I had an appointment with my oncologist and a follow-up with the thoracic surgeon today. Oncologist says, "take a 2-week break from chemo." Apparently, the CT scan done during my hospital stay continued to show shrinkage of the tumors around my lungs. Also, the fluid did not show cancer cells. Yeah! Next, surgeon says fluid has already come back to my left lung. My lung is not able to fully expand because of the cancer damage and the fluid likes to collect around it. We will follow-up in a month to see if it remains stable or continues to increase. He said we may not be done with draining this stuff. My breathing is still somewhat labored, especially at night or during activity. So, I will be getting some oxygen to help. I was told I may struggle with this for some time.

Well, I am PLANNING on not having anyone stick me for the next 2 weeks. I hope to continue to recover and feel better before the next round of chemo begins.


Anonymous said...

Please don't hesiate to call us if you need anything, I'll be here with Bryan and Colin, just packing to move, so needless to say that can always wait. If I can do anything or watch the boys, please don't hesitate to call me.home 655-2874 cell 723-1430.
Love and tons of prayers,
Cathy Skelton

Anonymous said...

Let's hear it for 2 weeks of no sticks!!! WOO-HOO!!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Barbara! Praise God that you can have two weeks without chemo!


laura said...

Here is to no needles never yet met anyone who likes them.