Tuesday, July 24, 2007

I have been left alone with the children!

Today is the first day in about 12 days that I have been alone with the boys and it was great. I think I was so excited to be feeling better, I wore them out (and myself)! We didn't hear a peep after they laid down for bed.

I was thinking the other day about all of the plans I had for this summer - going lots of places, teaching David to tie his shoes and getting him prepared for Kindergarten, spending time with the boys each day doing some kind of educational activity, etc. We found out about the cancer the first week of June and my summer "plans" have changed. It is now the end of July and David doesn't know how to tie his shoes, we haven't gone to all of the places I wanted to, and formal education has not taken place every day. I am now realizing that it is okay. Time spent with my children doesn't have to be so organized and purposeful. The most important thing about that time is just being together - pushing them on the swings in the backyard, watching Dawson chase the neighborhood cat, going for walks around the neighborhood while David makes skid marks with his bike, and just snuggling on the couch. I still find myself rushing them sometimes when it isn't necessary, but I would like to think that we have all slowed down a bit to enjoy.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like a perfect day. God has given you even more wisdom through this experience. Of course there's nothing wrong with teaching David to tie his shoes and giving the boys educational experiences, but just enjoying them is very special to you and to them. At first I thought the boys were pictured at the zoo at the feet of some very tame lions!

Anonymous said...

Hi - this is Val (Park) Doyle. My husband, Adam, and I know (Super) Dave(A) from Grove City College. We heard through some mutual GCC friends about Barbara's diagnosis. It's very encouraging to hear that Barbara's treatment is going so well! We'll be sure to keep your family in our prayers. In Christ, Adam, Val and Ian Doyle (vdoyle@bc.pitt.edu and adamdoyle@juno.com)